Chapter 3

The next day Cora went on another adventure. She wondered if she would meet any more strange characters or make any more new friends. She really liked the robot she met yesterday and she was sure she would remain friends with Bernard forever but she hoped she wouldn't meet the Ravenous Beast again as she was scared of him.
So off Cora set on her journey when she saw a baby sitting on a park bench having just completed the Irish Times crossword puzzle.

"You seem a bit young to be doing a crossword" said Cora.
"Oh I'm Baby Brains" said the baby. "I'm the smartest baby in the whole world".
"That sounds very interesting" said Cora. "What makes you the smartest baby in the whole world?"
"Well, I completed school in just one day and by the time I was two weeks old I had finished studying medicine and had started working as a doctor in my local hospital" said Baby Brains.
"That does sound very smart" said Cora in amazement.
"Oh it doesn't end there" said Baby Brains. "Some space scientists phoned me and asked for my help. After training hard at the space centre over a weekend, I waved goodbye to Mr and Mrs Brains and blasted off to space".
"Incredible" said Cora.
"It was incredible but when I was taking my first space walk, I realised that I missed my mummy and I had to come home. Now I just do normal baby things except I still really like doing the crossword to keep my brain active" said Baby Brains.

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