Chapter 2

When Cora woke up the next day she was still shocked at the amazing adventure she had the day before. She meet such an remarkable character in the Ravenous Beast so she decided to see if she could have another exciting day. She had just set off on her journey when she met a robot who was crying.
"What is your name?" asked Cora.

"My name is Bernard" said the robot.
"What's the matter?" asked Cora. "Why are you so upset?"
"I have lost my bottom! I had a great day playing in the park but when I got home, I realised that my bottom was missing" said Bernard.
"Would you like me to help you look for it?" asked Cora.
"Oh yes please!" said Bernard. "But I have already searched everywhere for it. Monkey brought me to Bird who was using it as a nest but by the time we got there, he had given it to Bear to use as a drum. When we went to Bear, he didn't know where it was. He'd stopped using it because it made a funny noise. We checked with Gary the elephant, Edward the seal and Dog but my bottom is nowhere to be found" he sobbed.
"Have you checked at the beach?" asked Cora. "I saw some strange-shaped sandcastles there earlier".
So off they went to the beach and to Bernard's delight, there was his bottom being used as a bucket to build sandcastles. He was so happy he did a wiggling, jiggling dance.
"Oh thank you for helping me find my bottom Cora. I will never lose it again" said Bernard.

Back to Chapter 1

Chapter 3